
Burnout 3 takedown intro
Burnout 3 takedown intro

Having said that I still see why people love Burnout 3 so much, we obviously aren't getting a new Burnout for a while, but when we do I hope we get a hybrid of the 2 games. I think Paradise is better in a lot of ways, mostly because it is newer but I also love the open world aspect, if I don't want to race I can roam around finding jumps and gates, or do challenges (offline as well as online), there's just so much more to do in the world. I've played the game for a few hours over a few days, I probably won't be picking up to play again. Unfortunately because I was so late, the severs aren't online, I would've liked to play online and see what that is like. Though as said before gold in some events will give you a new car, but you are quite restricted by the events as to which types of car you can use. The system for getting new cars is fine, can feel a bit of a grind to get enough points for the next car but its more a 'it happens as you play', rather than being a striaght up goal. I found the load times and restarting times annoying to, disrupts the flow of the game, especially when you have messed up a crash and you just want to start over immediately, or go stright onto the next event but you need to load the map and then go through several menus. The game shows its age a bit graphically as well as you would expect, but is still good. DJ Striker is hell annoying though, always interrupting songs and cutting in out as you dive in and out of locations/events on the map. The soundtrack is a little aged now but it still has some good tracks on it. This is far better than Paradise's free-roam crash mode which has very little challenge and you can just keep going on and on. You have a set 'run' and bonuses/power ups which you can collect before you crash at a set junction and try and cause as much damage as possible, mainly through pile ups. The racing is good and fast paced, lens flare can make it a bit difficult to see what's up ahead though, but overall its a good experience crashing cars and avoiding traffic.Ĭrash mode surprised me at how good it is compared to Paradise. Meanwhile you build up Burnout Cash, Crash Cash and Takedowns, for doing well, causing crashes and damage, which in turn unlock cars/vehicles. As you beat more events, and do better in them, you unlock more events and sometimes cars. Burnout 3 is basically pick an event from a 'list', broken up into 3 continents and then further broken up into different tracks on a map, some circuits have 3 events, some have up to around 12. For those that were like me and need an introduction. So I decided to pick it up and see what the 'best' Burnout was like. I had not played any other Burnout game and every time I saw Paradise mentioned I saw people praising Burnout 3 Takedown.

#Burnout 3 takedown intro free

I am a big fan of Burnout Paradise, I got it free on PS+ and fell in love, platinum trophy, Diamond Car and all.

Burnout 3 takedown intro